Sau đây là một đoạn tài liệu về EPDM  đã được Nhóm Nghiên cứu Phát triển Cao su  thảo luận trong buổi sinh hoạt câu lạc bộ thứ bảy 17/9/2011.
Nghề nghiệp là một công việc để sống, để làm việc và để sống tốt nên luôn cần bổ sung.
Hy vọng qua các buổi sinh hoạt, nhóm sẽ xác định được nhiều điều. Những điều xác định không phải nằm ở tài liệu mà ở ứng dụng hiệu quả.
Không quá sùng bái vào lý thuyết, không quá khẳng định vào kinh nghiệm, không coi thường những điều đơn giản. Những điều đơn giản luôn làm bất ngờ.
Hoạt động câu lạc bộ là một phần trong hoạt động của vLAB, phòng thử nghiệm cơ lý cao su.


Một đoạn trích trong tài liệu: 
Rubber Basics, Edited by Richard B. Simpson, First published in 2002 by Rapra Technology Limited








The copolymerisation of ethylene and propylene yields useful copolymers, the crystallisation of  both polymers being prevented if the ethylene content is in the range 45-60%; grades with higher  ethylene contents, 70-80%, can partially crystallise.



The lower ethylene types are generally easier to process, whilst green strength and extrudability improve as the ethylene content increases.

One disadvantage of the copolymer is that it cannot be crosslinked with sulphur due to the absence of unsaturation in the main chain.

To overcome this difficulty a third monomer with unsaturation is introduced, but to maintain the excellent stability of the main chain the unsaturation is made pendant to it.

The three types of third monomer used commercially are dicyclopentadiene, ethylidene norbornene, and 1,4-hexadiene.Generally 4-5% of the termonomer will give acceptablecure characteristics, whilst 10% gives fast cures; dicyclopentadiene gives the slowest cure rate and ethylidene norbornene the highest

Since the main chain of both EPM and EPDM rubbers is saturated, both co- and terpolymers exhibit excellent stability to oxygen, UV light, and are ozone resistant

EPM and EPDM are not oil resistant, and are swollen by aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, and halogenated solvents.

They have excellent electrical properties and stability to radiation.

Their densities are the lowest of the synthetics, and they are capable of accepting large quantities of filler and oil.

They exhibit poor tack, and even if tackifiers are added, it still is not ideal for building operations

Adhesion to metal, fabrics and other materials, can be difficult to accomplish.

The copolymers can only be cured by peroxides or radiation, whilst the terpolymers can be cured with peroxides, sulphur systems, resin cures and radiation.The dicyclopentadiene terpolymer can give higher states of cure with peroxides than the copolymer, although in peroxide curing of both the copolymer and terpolymer it is common practice to add a coagent, to increase the state of cure.

Triaryl isocyanurate or sulphur are the most common coagents

Bloom can be a problem in sulphur cures, so selection of the accelerator system is important.

Resin cures utilise the same resins that are used for butyl rubber, but more resin (ca. 10-12 phr) and a halogen donor (10 phr), typically bromobutyl, or polychloroprene, are required.

Although heat stability is slightly improved by resin curing when compared to sulphur cures, the effect is not as marked as in the resin curing of butyl.


Wire and cable applications and extrusion profiles, e.g., window seals and car door seals, probablyform the major applications for EPM and EPDM rubber, although they are also used in a widevariety of other extrusion and moulding applications.

Washing machine door seals moulded from EPDM are starting to replace NR as washer/dryers are becoming more common.


Nguồn tài liệu:

Tuan Van Doan (Ph.D student)

Environmental BioTechnology Lab

Yonsei University, Sinchon 262, Seodaemungu

Seoul, 120-749, South Korea.

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